Quality and food safety policy


The Management has defined this company policy as a commitment to food safety, quality, legality, and product authenticity, formalizing the basic principles and general rules that govern it, in compliance with applicable legislation in force.

To safeguard the quality, safety, and wholesomeness of its products, CARPINETO SRL adopts a company management system, certified according to the IFS standard, as a basic tool to achieve its results.

The company identifies the following strategic points to be pursued with absolute priority in the Quality and Food Safety Policy:

  • The placing on the market of products that meet regulatory, authenticity, and food safety requirements, to high quality and hygiene-sanitary standards
  • Customer satisfaction to be achieved through full compliance with requirements and their needs
  • The preparation of a strategic plan for the development and continuous improvement of the food safety culture that involves all areas of the production site at all levels
  • Environmental sustainability through the adoption of production systems that respect the territory, paying attention to not disturbing the optimal conditions for maintaining the balance of the natural ecosystem.

The Top Management also adopts the following strategies to achieve increasingly higher quality and food safety standards:

  • Good company image maintained through cleanliness and hygiene of all premises of the establishment and of the staff, means of transport; technical quality, presentation, correct preservation of the product;
  • Preparation of a mitigation plan for FOOD DEFENCE (to reduce the likelihood of malicious acts, limit the impact and consequences of such attacks, protect the reputation of the company's brand, reassure consumers, public opinion and the press that appropriate measures are in place to protect consumers, comply with international requirements and encourage the work of business partners) and for FOOD FRAUD;
  • Empowerment of Suppliers and consolidation of collaborative relationships with them to ensure that they continuously supply raw materials that comply with the agreed standards, also in relation to new requests for the prevention of possible food fraud;
  • Request for increasingly higher quality standards from its suppliers;
  • Use of raw materials with high quality characteristics not derived from GMO materials;
  • Planning of business activities in order to make business processes more efficient;
  • Specialization and training of internal production personnel and individual responsibility for product quality and safety;
  • Involvement of employees in the continuous improvement of the process and the product, respecting ethical and safety principles within the company;
  • Speed ​​and accuracy in order fulfillment;
  • Compliance with laws and regulations in force;
  • Correct application of the Self-Control Plan (Prerequisites, HACCP) and management of CCPs;
  • Measurement of the adequacy, compliance and effectiveness of the Quality and Food Safety Management System through internal and external inspections and third-party audits carried out by Certification Bodies, by the official control bodies, as well as by Customers; 
  • Availability and visibility of records, data that constitute objective evidence of product quality and operational safety carried out by the company;
  • Continuous monitoring of the service offered to the Customer, in order to obtain an improvement;
  • Ensuring that the processing and packaging process takes place in fully controlled conditions, and in environments such as to guarantee compliance with product requirements; 
  • Statistical analysis of data relating to the samples taken on the raw material and/or finished product, data relating to pest monitoring and data relating to the quality of the product supplied to the customer;
  • Definition of ever new measurable objectives for greater involvement of all personnel.

With regard to the last point, the company intends to pursue the following primary objectives for the year 2024, which are summarized below:

Product safety objectives:

  • Increase product safety;
  • Guarantee food safety by carrying out analyzes on the product for the research of allergens;
  • Reduce the risk of contamination from foreign bodies (glass).

Quality objectives:

  • Keep quality-related complaints on products to a minimum;

  • Increase total turnover compared to the previous year;

  • Expansion of the barrel room and new structure for welcoming customers at the point of sale;

  • Purchase of new QUALIWARE management software for the management of the production process.

The foregoing cannot be dissociated from the following values:


  • Compliance with the various CCNLs

  • Good relationships with the RSU

  • No discrimination based on age, gender, religion or political opinion

  • Verification of contractors for regularity of employees

  • Company Welfare.


  • Respect for laws (written and unwritten) so as to create relationships of trust with the entire set of stakeholders to obtain a better reputation.


The company is certified Viva and ISO 14001 and in this regard has as primary objectives:

  • Reduction of atmospheric emissions
  • Proper waste management
  • Discharge of wastewater in compliance with current regulations
  • Noise reduction impact
  • Protection of the surrounding environment from potential degradation in accordance with its organizational and operational context
  • Prevention of negative environmental impacts
  • Communication to stakeholders, including the local community, of specific activities carried out in the field of environmental protection.


  • In order to reduce work-related accidents and injuries, the company has provided training to its employees and equipped them with the appropriate PPE.


This policy is communicated to all levels of the company through posting within the company and dissemination through a meeting with the staff and to all stakeholders through publication on the company website. All personnel are called upon to participate, in relation to their own skills, in achieving the company objectives set out in this declaration.


Greve in Chianti, Jan. 10th, 2024